Eishken windfarm
Update: I'm told the E in EDF is wrong. I must be being stupid, but ???????
I'm told that the missives are being concluded currently, and that they will be signed off shortly with transfer expected on 1 August.
If true, given the vast sums required to develop windpower, this shouldn't come as any surprise as the risk/reward trade off must be very high for any individual. Especially with the huge probable costs and legal issues involved in constructing any power cables from wind farm to grid connection.
The EDF website makes it's wind strategy very clear, and with the pattern of consents seemingly being more valuable than the completed windfarms, it is likely that the buyers need renewables to offset their other (nuclear and conventional) emissions.
The nature of this sort of transaction is that there are few if any footprints until the deed is done, but my delving shows that there have been some changes in the structure of Beinn Mhor Power and associated companies recently; which leads me to believe that something is in the offing.
Beinn Mhor Power has very recently appointed Ms Serena Oppenheim as a director, and issued some more shares (I haven't got round to finding out about these changes yet). In the last month, Eishken Nominees Ltd has replaced the Nominee Shareholders at McLay Murray & Spens with Nick Oppenheim, Serena Oppenheim and Peter Smith - who I believe is the Estate Manager - and moved the Registered Office to Eishken. All of which is indicative of some active plans being brought forward.
Update: Crionaig Power Ltd had 3 x Miss Oppenheim appointed as directors in February along with Marcus Trenick QC - of windpower fame. Loch Sealg Power Ltd was incorporated in October 2010 and is dormant.
I'm sure there is still another company, whose name escapes me at the moment.
Of course, there could be another explanation, but my source is utterly convinced and convincing that a sale is to proceed, so only time will tell. And where does this leave the Community Trust?
All will become clear very shortly, I suspect.
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