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The truths they don't want you to read....

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Anonymous notes

Many thanks to the anonymous correspondent who posted me a copy of an email from the LDOS dated 2/11/07.

The email encouraged Ministers to circulate a standard letter amongst their congregation in opposition to the demands to open the Sports Centre on a Sunday.
Quite simply we need to get more submissions in than the opposition, in order to give our friends [Councillors] a fighting chance.
Sorry, Anon, but if you think I didn't know about this...

When I was a Councillor, the most letters I personally ever received on any subject (including wind farms) was on a proposal in 2004 to consider opening the Sports Centre on a Sunday.

That they were all virtually identical was a bit of a give away.

However, the funniest was that I received four letters from the four members of a family 'living' at the same address, all obviously written and signed by the same person.

That the two children hadn't lived on the island for years and years and that I knew them personally, made the whole thing even funnier.

When I thanked one of them (with my tongue firmly in my cheek) for their letter, I received a stream of profanities and an immediate disavowal of the sentiments conveyed in the letter. As I knew I would.

Ah. those were the days.....


Anonymous said...

It's gone very quiet now that it's election day. Are the Labourites all out buying extra toilet rolls?

Anonymous said...

Just checking those local council by-election results in the seats vacated by SNP MSPs. Labour getting trounced again!!!

Oops..apparently the SNP lost both seats...but it's a 'fantastic result for the party'. Nothing more 'fantastic' than coming second in a seat you already hold. Still it's better than the usual SNP tactic of slating the electorate as ignorant fearties when they lose.

And, incidentally, a Labour drubbing in the Euro elections doesn't bother me. I just have a problem with people for whom party is everything and blind loyalty is a badge of honour. I'm sorry to see Jean Davis is now heading at breakneck speed down that road. too.

Anonymous said...

3:35 again. What do you expect from politicians these days, 9:31? A large chunk of the main political parties are crooks, but crooks who operate "within the rules", rules they made to suit themselves.

The SNP are far from being perfect, but thus far they seem to have less shite sticking to them, unless you count claims for a 17 quid wreath or a Toblerone to be more scandalous/criminal than multiple house-flipping and profiting by it to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds. I cast my vote for them in the Euro election not from any sense of blind loyalty, but because they seemed to be to be the least awful out of a really rotten bunch. Sad that politics has sunk to this level. But I believe in voting whatever the political climate, in fact it's in situations like this that everyone should get out and vote. There's no excuse. People who just give up on the whole system and can't be bothered voting are exasperating.

Brown's performance in the last few days has shown he isn't fit to be Prime Minister. I'd say the same if it was Alex Salmond. Making unelected Lord Mandelson, who can't even answer questions in the Commons, the deputy PM is just stunning. I really wonder if Gordy has completely lost the plot.