Unblogged the Jedi has
The blog formerly known as "Angus Nicolson - an incredulous eye on the isles" this was the blog of an ordinary, boring, former Councillor in the Western Isles of Scotland.
Angus is taking a sabbatical to be with his young family
Debate strengthens democracy, except inside the SNP, as he has discovered.
If you want balance then get some scales. This is opinion - our opinion.
Any proven errors of fact made will be corrected in the original article, or by publishing a correction at the same degree of prominence, or both. As far as practical, others who have quoted the article will be requested to make a note in their article - this would include, for example pinging back with the correction those who had linked to the original piece.
If articles are ever removed, a statement of why that has been done will be left in situ.
The rest is entirely at my discretion.
Hi Angus,
Thanks for pulling the link to my blog post.
The chain of events are actually a lesson to me to not go off the deep end like I did. I nipped onto Bookface on Thursday afternoon, just in time to see the Gazette’s news flash about Donald’s standing as an “Independent” in Back. It is unfortunate in the extreme that it was Donald’s name that flashed up, because, like I said, I know and respect him as a fellow Christian, and an elder at that. But had it been DJ Macsween’s name, the reaction would likely have been the same (although I doubt Donald John would issue a press release trumpeting his independence!).
There is a legitimate debate to be had about the merits of standing for political office on an Independent platform, while retaining close links to any political party. There are serious issues about accountability and transparency in the political process. I also feel there are better ways of getting around the apparent partisan challenges to get the right thing done when parties are present. We both know, for better or worse that parties are here to stay at every level of government for the foreseeable future. Scotland needs a better politic than the ribald state things can get into.
I’ve apologised to Donald – I was completely wrong to single him out the way I did. And writing in haste, my language was far to damaging. It was wrong of me to accuse him of hypocrisy. That said, I still think anyone standing Independent needs to completely break with their former party – a policy which I think the some parties have in place for the sake of clarity. And if for some reason they can’t make that break, they need to not pretend to be truely Indepenet. It’s for chaps like Donald Crichton or DJ Macsween to explain their position with clarity, and to ensure transparency – but I’m sure that’s a debate that can rage around the issues (and not the personalities) another time.
I spoke to Donald briefly on Friday, and I imagine we’ll speak again soon. He has my apology, and I should probably also apologise to the Christians who feel embarrassed a minister wasn’t able to hold his tongue and so directly question the character of another. I look forward to one day being perfect, because I hate the sinful short fuse that’s in me.
Anyway, thanks again.
The Rev Gentleman still has it wrong- at best his apology is qualified - "That said I still think etc" actually negates the apology. In Church parlance he is repenting not of the actual sin but the consequences of it. A bit like when one gets caught with ones hand in the till.........
Care I do not about the individual from the planet Zloop who goes by the name of Crichton. Here in Harris & South Lochs we have El Groupo de Muerte. We seek guidance as to which one is worse than the other and then which one is even worse than that. On reaching the polling booth in the month of May, we will come briefed so as to spend less time trying to rank each Dimbulen Zorg monkey with a number from flifty dree to zedzee five. Thank you.
@Dr Evadne
Hilarious stuff....ahem
Well, it would be illegal to write that in Arizona.
If the Western Isles churches were more like those in Sweden, then they'd be a bit more interesting...
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