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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, September 04, 2006


COSLA was very useful, with an in depth discussion of the avian influenza problems and the recycling issues affecting other Scottish local authorities.

It is very clear that the Western Isles is miles ahead of most of the rest of Scotland with the next stage of recycling. I didn’t gloat, but I was pleased to hear a comparison with Denmark where the commercial businesses are forced to recycle, by joining a recycling programme that is at least as goods as the local authorities, and getting a tax credit for doing so. Carrot and stock is the only successful method I have ever found.

An article in today’s Times condemns the government for lack of leadership on this an other issues. I totally agree.

Bird flu is going to be a potentially huge problem in the next few months as the birds come back here. Thankfully, much preparatory work has been done and we should be ready for any infected birds.

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