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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, September 04, 2006


KIMO was totally overshadowed by the announcement that ship-to-ship transfers have been approved for the Firth of Forth.

Having been closely involved in this issue since a major meeting in 2003, I feel totally betrayed by the Government (why am I so naive!) who have promised solution since at least 1999. The regulations to prevent this have been in draft since then, but could never be finalised.

The fact that the meeting in 2003 was at the headquarters of a company with responsibility for tidying up oil spills (OSL) should have tipped us off.

The matter is not closed. The letters between Rhona Brankin and Alasdair Darling showed a huge amount of buck passing, excusing justification and opportunity for political opportunism, if the pressure can be brought to bear. The holes in the legislation are immense and worrying, and the mass and mess of overlapping legislation screams for immediate attention. Which it won’t get.

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