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Climate change set to destroy Salmon?
SCOTLAND's wild salmon stocks could be facing serious decline if action is not taken to limit the effects of climate change, according to experts.
The country's rivers support one of the largest Atlantic salmon resources within Europe. The cold water fish, found in temperate and arctic regions of the Northern hemisphere, has a complex migratory lifecycle in both marine and freshwater phases, and experts believe climate change is affecting both of these stages.
Yeah! Like the birdies they will be gone in a generation, because the nimbies are too concerned about their view rather than about renewable energy.
Still, we will all get tins of Pacific salmon in Tesco. After we finish our shift stacking shelves.
What's with the 'climate change' nonsense?
It's amusing that the mantra has changed from 'global warming' to 'climate change', as if either were somehow new and fearsome.
'Climate change' is ALWAYS happening, and there's piss-all any human being can do about it. 'CO2 emissions' have no proven effect on warming whatever, as the actual science is showing quite handily.
This 'climate change' hysteria is really quite funny. Bunch of nutters....
Great Headline until i realised it was not the human kind :-(
you must've had trouble spelling at school.
Go get a job at Aline forest - that place run by the great and the good (and the bankrupt) that has now been shown to be bollocks. Tesco will at least provide sustainable employment.
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