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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, July 04, 2008

Special Purpose Vehicle

The knives are out for some senior Councillors and for some senior officers of the Council.

There are a number of issues that are causing discontent, some of which seem to have some foundation and others which do not.

Backbenchers are getting upset with some 'senior' Councillors throwing their weight around or failing to deliver on their promises.

'Senior' Councillors believe that the new Councillors lack vision (which comes with experience), decisiveness, and that some are there for the salary rather than the greater community good; and that they are being manipulated by the more experienced School Stornowaybackbenchers.

The latest cause of the trouble is a series of emails* building a campaign demanding that the Convener and Cllr Manford stand down from Sgoiltean Ura LLP (the new schools PFI company) because they voted against the closure of the S1-S2 schools last week.

To do so would - of course - acknowledge that their views on the schools PFI are determined by the Council and are not on the basis of calm, rational, independent thought and consideration of the plans.

I actually hope that the pressure works, as it might cause the PFI project to collapse and allow a proper consideration of education needs, rather than one driven by the financial needs of the consultants and contractors.

*Copies, please, to the usual email address!


Anonymous said...

Donald Manford is criticised for being consistent.
The Convenor is being criticised for listening to and acting on the the views of the people who elected him.

There is maybe a lesson for others in the actions of these two gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

Proper consideration of educational needs is what is required. We do not live in a city. The Isle of Lewis needs at least 2 secondary schools - one on the east side (NI) and Ard Sgoil Bharabhais ( built instead of the proposed primary school at Barvas). This would free up primary spaces in the existing schools.

Angus said...

I tend to agree with Anon 6:04 about the need to centralise in two (or three) locations in Lewis.

But I'm not convinced Barvas is the best location.

Does anyone from Ness or Garynahine have a view on a secondary school in Barvas?

And what about Shawbost?

Anonymous said...

Surely the geography alone makes Barvas the best option? It is equidistant.

South of Carloway would attend Stornoway would they not?

Anonymous said...

Pupils from Breasclete Primary have always gone direct to the Nicolson. The existing Shawbost School could become a regional Primary, as could the existing Lionel school.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person tired of hearing: "I don't want my 11-year old being on a bus for 6 hours every day when he can walk 5 minutes up the road"?

a) Surely if he's eleven he's still in primary and won't be affected for at least a year?

b) Where the hell do you live that it takes 3 hours to get to Stornoway?

You have a situation where you have one secondary school that in three or four years will be able to cope with all the Islands' children, why not have them all in the same place? Surely for social reasons it's better for them to mix with others?

You also have small primary schools that are no longer fit for purpose. Schools built in the 1800s can not be expected to deliver a 21st century education. By closing S1/S2 schools you create space for the children from the smaller primary schools.

It is NOT a conspiracy, there are fewer people in schools than there were thirty years ago yet not that many buildings have closed. Am I the only one that is relieved to see that the Council have realised this and are at least trying to sort it out.

This island needs to be dragged into the twentieth century let alone the twenty-first. It is high time certain people stopped resisting change. Resistance to the closure of schools, wind farms, Lingerbay (could anyone ever forget that one) and there are many more.

What people don't seem to realise is that some change is good.