For all a fair future
The new Labour slogan:
The follow-up: think once, think twice, think bike (or something similar) is quite good, but when uttered by Brown comes with all the sincerity of a tiger inviting you for lunch.
Actually, I think it might work - for all the wrong reasons - and I am now thinking about a minority Tory Government as the most likely outcome.
March 25th as an election dates has moved from my prediction to highly unlikely and now back to quite possible as a surprise, based purely upon the slogan launch this weekend. It call it at a 40% probability now, and that needs the election to be called in the next 10 days which will be utterly dependent upon the private party polling over the next week.
Hang on a minute; I think you have on of the words wrong
A Future 'Free for All'! Surely?
Oh the irony of what the good Dr says:
Future all fair a for
A Future Fair for All obviously refers to the sales of work (pc speak, fairs) that will be held by the Labour party in the new remoddled(should that be remeddled?) Stornoway town hall. Stornoway will be returning to the olden golden days of sales of work 24/7 only now they'll be taking place in a new indoor street, only in stornoway! Still if you're going to create an indoor street its best to do it indoors, and if anywhere needs to have its strees indoors it's Stornoway. Maybe CnES could cover over all the streets then we could invite the european market to join in too, make it a real fair for all!!!
I have just decided NOT to vote SNP in light of Philip MacLean's gratuitous and flippant comments about eith "Macsween or his family not being well" Its enough to make you boak.
Never thought I would say this -might even give MacSween a sympathy vote. Island Voters cannot stand such insincere bull shit as maclean's comments...
"The SNP Group in the Comhairle are querying the whereabouts of the prospective Labour candidate Councillor Donald John Macsween due to his absence at Thursday night budget cuts meeting.
SNP Councillor Philip McLean said: “We are a wee bit curious about that. We obviously and sincerely hope that Councillor Macsween or indeed any member of his family isn’t ill and we of course understand if he had clashing work or indeed Party commitments as indeed we all do from time to time.
“But clearly his absence effectively meant he didn’t vote for the cost cutting budget or for the instigation of conversations on school closures.
“We just can’t imagine and wouldn’t even dare suggest that Councillor Macsween engineered his absence to avoid voting on both of these important issues but we will nevertheless be monitoring his position on the budget cuts and on school closures during the forthcoming election campaign just in case he’s tempted to say,– oh well I didn’t vote for them.”
Mr Macsween is due to comment later"
Whatever their party, if any, it would be nice/polite for councillors to ensure that their absence from a meeting is explained with a simple note of apology for non-attendance, explaining conflict of interest as the reason if appropriate.
This would save the protagonists a lot of time and lessen the number of stupid tit-for-tat letters and press releases we ordinary mortals have to wade through on Hebrides News and elsewhere, in the search for real news.
Re - 10.00 am.
It would be nice and wise, too, for councillors not to make comments about absences etc before the full facts were known.
Mr Maclean should remember the old saying.
'Fools rush in ...'
Philip Maclean the Julian Clary of Western Isles Politics.
Philip Maclean- classic Pale, Male and Stale.........
Goes for most of the bunch at the Whitehouse,,,,,,,
Why the need for "clarification"?
Any chance of assistance for the struggling fishing fleet in the Western Isles?
"Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Press Release - 25th February 2010
Statement re Wee W
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s proposal is to take over the Wee W premises and lease them back to the current occupiers. Ongoing lease income would be reinvested into a Town Centre Legacy Fund for the future benefit of all Town Centre users.
Whilst limited in what can be said at this stage because of ongoing negotiations, there is nothing unusual in the Comhairle providing leased business units to local businesses at a market rent set by the District Valuer.
This process is subject to Scottish Government approval as part of the national town regeneration schemes and similar proposals have been made in other areas in Scotland"
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