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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ferries - the story continues

I read with mounting bad humour the 'response' of our MSP to the Ferries Review consultation in the Gazette last night.

The reason for my ire?  I was unable to discern a single opinion about the plans for ferry service.  Plenty of praise for what has happened, and the brilliance and insight of the decisions taken by his party.  But about the future?

Well, the future was shrouded in vacuousness, non-statements and banal generalities that deliberately avoided the formation of any kind of view.

If that was accidental then you could excuse it, but it was clearly an empty shell designed to provide the mirage of a response to a review, whilst actually being able to sit on the fence and wait to be told what the review is going to bring, before taking a stance.

Read it again.  Does he want one ferry or two?  More runs or less?  Bigger vessels or smaller vessels?  Submarines or camel trains or tunnels?

The answer, of course, is all of the above and none of the above, depending on the report: which will arrive after the election, negating the need for an opinion.

Meantime, further disruption to the ferry service, and it is only September.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more, Angus. That was exactly my reaction, as well. As the MSP for one of the exclusively island constituencies, he should have replied with a carefully researched paper on what is feasible by way of improved services rather than a load of banal "Mother and Apple Pie" platitudes.


Anonymous said...

Did I see him last night on the news getting his wafer at Bellahouston?

Anonymous said...

Re - 11.30

I must confess I couldn't care less about his extra-curricular activities at Bellahouston.

However, it seems to me that in no other part of Scotland would both he and his friend in Westminster get off with saying so little about anything that matters. We've had silence on the Wind-farm issue followed by empty rhetoric on ferries.

Isn't it time that the media and the wider electorate in these parts began to make these guys more accountable?

It's what grown-ups - even those who support the SNP - are supposed to do, if they value democracy one jot!

Baldy MacSwidgeon said...

Alasdair Allan is a carpet bagger what else do expect. He was dropped onto this constituency when Wee Eck read Minch as mince and thought Alasdair would be perfect.

Anonymous said...

Aha were you really watching the news or were you hiding behind your settee secretly watching the big man with the red shoes doing his thing?

Anonymous said...

But you voted him in and then you voted ABM in AGAIN!!!! You have to come out and put your X into a different box to make a difference. That is how it works!

Baldy MacSwidgeon said...

5:51 I can assure you I have never put anything in either of our two Chocolate Teapots' boxes