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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lews Castle College

I hear that the UHI has been order to slash management tiers and cut admin staff, meaning that the autonomy of Lews Castle College and the other colleges is under threat as the UHI considers that the functions should all be moved to - guess where - Inverness.

It is expected that finance and student records posts will be slashed and centralised in a University built upon decentralisation and local service delivery.

Next in line are the lecturers, with courses to be combined and centralised.  The local lecturers are scared to raise matters via the Unions as they feel they are being targeted by the junior Minister (A Allan) for their party political views.

In the meantime, the College will not have a new Principal to replace David Green, and the vacancy will likely be filled either at a much reduced level of seniority or by combining senior management across a number of campuses.

The latest news is that courses are to be cut at the College and delivered from elsewhere, and the now 'redundant' staff will be offered early retirement or a transfer to the Rockall campus.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that any redundancies would be drawn up on the basis of a political blacklist. That's a bit far fetched is it not.

The unions, red in tooth and claw, scared of A Allan, I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

Your eye isn't very incredulous if you believe that kind of hogwash, Mr Nicolson.

Anonymous said...

is this why there no more prospectuses being made at the college. The college has gone to bits in recent times. They don't the courses you want them to run and most of them you have to go away? How do they justify being an University then?