The truths they don't want you to read....
The blog formerly known as "Angus Nicolson - an incredulous eye on the isles" this was the blog of an ordinary, boring, former Councillor in the Western Isles of Scotland.
Angus is taking a sabbatical to be with his young family
Debate strengthens democracy, except inside the SNP, as he has discovered.
If you want balance then get some scales. This is opinion - our opinion.
Any proven errors of fact made will be corrected in the original article, or by publishing a correction at the same degree of prominence, or both. As far as practical, others who have quoted the article will be requested to make a note in their article - this would include, for example pinging back with the correction those who had linked to the original piece.
If articles are ever removed, a statement of why that has been done will be left in situ.
The rest is entirely at my discretion.
Now if only the authorities here would do the same!
Mind you, looking at this list, maybe they already have...
11.30 AM wrong link. should be this;
Can we talk about Luathnet again?
Is anyone on the islands with Luathnet at the moment? Did I miss the big launch? Prices and details are on their website now (though not very consumer-friendly: I am reasonably clued-up but don't understand what half of their benefits really mean).
It seems to be available UK-wide and is not a brilliant deal. £11.49 line rental + £23.99 package for 10GB download at 8Mbps (but surely not here? at least not for those with currently no option but connected communities) and free landline calls. And I guess a BT rental on top of that?
As I don't make many landline calls, this would be a substantially poorer deal than CC. If it's even available to me. Seems to be targeting business more than residential and maybe it works at volume. Investigating further but it's not looking like competition from here, disappointingly.
7.28 here. I've had a response from Luath. This appears to be for the broadband only, not a package including calls:
We are currently working on the provision of a satellite broadband service which will cover 100% of the Western Isles. We are taking advance orders for this on a provisional basis at the moment, to allow us to work out an installation schedule for August.
We are working with local installers to finalise a standard connection charge across the region, and this is likely to be around £350 - £400.
I know it is quite expensive, and we are doing everything we can to bring it down. As a company, our customers don't qualify for subsidies I'm afraid - however if you know of any individual way of accessing support locally then it would be worth applying.
The rental would be £35 per month for a 2 Mb service or £50 per month for a 4Mb service.
Full marks for quick and civil customer service, at least.
I note from:
... that the Pirate Party supports:
"On a more prosaic note, it wants internet users to only have to pay for the actual speed they get from their provider, and not what was advertised."
Which would be good for here, as we'd only have to pay 9p per year to Connected Communities.
I wish the Pirate Party were standing here. Any chance we can get Murdo Murray to switch his allegiance to them?
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