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The truths they don't want you to read....

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Contracting with the Council

Contractors (and the public) might be interested in this list of projects going out to tender from the Council over the next year.

Except that most will be 'drawn' from existing approved contractor lists, so if you are not on the list you're not getting in.  And even then you might not get a chance to tender.

Still, at least something is being done, and I'll claim a tiny bit of the credit for the publication of this list.

A small step forward for the Council.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its all gesture... top of the list - the care home.

Contractors have THREE WEEKS to bid... that is unusually short.

However it is a "design and build" contract....

so the contractors have to get an architect on board. get a building designed, get fees with professional consultants agreed, get a currently undesigned building completely costed and then submit a bid in THREE WEEKS.

Is there any way a local firm can do this? Very unlikely.

My prediction? I rekon the Irish consortium will have their big fish going over the paperwork bidding for the work.

Lets wait and see what happens though.

Small step forward.... not quite.