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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, January 23, 2012

Imitation and flattery

It is very nice to see a competitor trying to copying what you are (successfully) doing.

It is even nicer to see them doing it in a half-hearted, incompetent and unsuccessful way in a desperate attempt to emulate your achievements.

Organic SEO is not something you can achieve overnight, and paying for Google Adwords in a desperate effort to emulate that in a highly competitive marketing environment is a sure fire way to burn £50 notes for no reward.

Keep up the poor work.  :-)

(Good to know they read the blog)


Anonymous said...

This post is of absolutely no interest to anyone other than perhaps yourself. Not really what I'd expect to see on a blog.

Anonymous said...

9:16 You are wrong, egotistical fool. It interests me. You aren't the only reader of this blog, and it isn't written just for you.

Anonymous said...

How can someone be so angry at 9.16am in the morning? Obviously still on- or recovering from - the booze. Ah, don't you just love those Western Isles bloggers.

Anonymous said...


This posting is utterly pointless

Anonymous said...

9:16 - It is obviously of interest to the person who writes the blog. I you don't like it ready someone else's blog.

Anonymous said...

I think 9:16 may be the person that this post was aimed at....

Fresh and new ideas are the best. Try something that no-one has done before.