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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, February 27, 2006

Labour go nuclear

So Labour in Scotland are now pro-nuclear. So much for the Scottish party having some input into policy, when they suppinely roll over and do what they are told. The following letter was sent to the Gazette today:

"So Labour’s new energy policy is pro-nuclear – as instructed by London. Can Alasdair Morrison tell us which of the two sites in the Western Isles will be the nuclear dump?"

For information about the hidden list, see what Nirex were forced to publish, and then read the full horrific details.

1 comment:

ADB said...

Staggering, Angus, to read the Nirex report. Can I suggest you post this on a slightly bigger forum? The BBC's Island Blogging project appears to attract a lot of attention.

Guido Blokland