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The truths they don't want you to read....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Energy saving bulbs

Policy & Resources today approved the replacement of all incandescent bulbs with fluorescent ones in a gradual process over the coming years.

Spend to save -- save the planet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that you'll send me a dozen energy saving bulbs?
Whilst on one of my many trips to the mainland recently ( carbon footprint must be a size 12 ) I bought 8 energy saving bulbs, for about a tenner ( give or take a pound or two either way) and notice that the same or similar bulbs in the Co-op are £6.94, I think. How? Why? What's going on? I'm very confused by all this, I want to " save the planet" and cut my energy bills, but I'm not paying the prices in the Co-op. Cheery Tws.