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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Intra-island ferries

It was a brilliantly simple, but moderately expensive, scheme by the Comhairle to subsidise inter-island ferries and encourage the economic development within the islands. The philosophy was to have businesses looking north or south, rather than across the Minch, and this was achieved by the simple creation of a 40% discount for commercial vehicles.

It was working too, with a huge increase in trading between the islands.

But with the next round of budget cuts required, something had to give and this subsidy has been removed.

Now RET makes it cheaper to go to and from the mainland, and you know what is going to happen.

Best of luck in trying to persuade the Government to extend the RET scheme to these ferries, but I suspect that there will be nothing more than vague promises ahead of the election. Along with a proper RET scheme, this must be made a major campaigning issue for the candidates - let's see which party promises what, and vote accordingly.

Whilst giving plaudits to the Council, HIE deserve a very special mention for their interest in inter-island economic development. I really, really, hope HIE Area Manager Archie MacDonald was reading from a press statement when he made the following comment:
"Our role today is focused on supporting businesses and social enterprises with growth potential, strengthening communities, especially in fragile areas, and investing in transformational projects which are aimed at adding to the economic output of the Outer Hebrides."
Seriously, WTF does that mean? Other than, "thanks to budget cuts, we don't have the money".


Anonymous said...

I see that the fisherman/grocer/msp has waded in to blame the Council and back HIE for not supporting this scheme.

Dutifully fulfilling his role as the SNP placeman in the islands and not as a represtantive of the islands, doing his best for here.

He really is a tosser.

Anonymous said...

HIE did not support the scheme as they were NEVER asked to support the scheme.

Anonymous said...

Like shafting us with HIE's unconnected communities monopoly,keep us in the dark ages

Cal Mac said...

Anon 1:06 - who are you to write excuses for the MSPs support for high inter-island fares?

SNP sockpuppet or HIE sockpuppet?

Anonymous said...

The SNP Group on the Council campaigned for the inter-island fare reducation and now they are being kicked in the teeth by the MSP.

Which way will they jump now?

Anonymous said...

I hear it's hard to jump anywhere when you are stuck in a big black hole.