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The truths they don't want you to read....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Water, water everywhere......

I am told, first hand, that some households in Benbecula have been without mains water for 6 days, and may only have been reconnected today.

The problem lies either with a burst pipe, which emptied the storage towers, or the fact that someone forgot to ensure that they were being continousoly refilled.

The fact is that after the tank was refilled, airlocks have prevented the water being delviered to households.

At which time Scottish Water found they didn't have proper maps of the pipe network, and have been using a mixture of guesswork, householder information and hole digging to find the pipes.  Whilst Scottish Water have been providing drinking water, toilets, showers, baths and washing machines have been impossible to use.

Roll on the 18th Century and technological advancement.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did that e-petition say about water; the one that our glorious MP was moaning about being inaccurate, or something?

Also, how's it working out with the residents of Lewis so fed up with their water supply they threatened to withhold payment?

Mr Richard Miller may have been on to something...