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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Freedom of Information

I found out who was trying to find out who had put in the request to HIE about Storas Uibhist, if you follow me.

Boringly, it was a journalist who was trying to find out who else had the story. I'm disappointed, as I had hoped for some good gossip.


Anonymous said...

I was momentarily excited as a journalist rang me up about it. Then they discovered I couldn't even pronounce it, and lost interest.

That's what happens when you run a community website and blog a lot - you get journalists always ring you up thinking (mistakingly) that you must know lots of things about the islands, whereas I know virtually nothing.

Anonymous said...

"Then they discovered I couldn't even pronounce it, and lost interest."

It's Stòras, not Storas...this is key to correct pronunciation :-)