The truths they don't want you to read....
The blog formerly known as "Angus Nicolson - an incredulous eye on the isles" this was the blog of an ordinary, boring, former Councillor in the Western Isles of Scotland.
Angus is taking a sabbatical to be with his young family
Debate strengthens democracy, except inside the SNP, as he has discovered.
If you want balance then get some scales. This is opinion - our opinion.
Any proven errors of fact made will be corrected in the original article, or by publishing a correction at the same degree of prominence, or both. As far as practical, others who have quoted the article will be requested to make a note in their article - this would include, for example pinging back with the correction those who had linked to the original piece.
If articles are ever removed, a statement of why that has been done will be left in situ.
The rest is entirely at my discretion.
Fist Full of Dollars
Jabba: And this is what I thought of George Bush.
Hillary: Bill didn't inhale... I swallowed.
Jabba: Bill didn't inhale... I swallowed.
Jabba: 'Who ate all the pies?' is not the Scottish national anthem.
Can you moisten my Havana cigar for me Hillary.
And what are you intending to do with that fist fatboy.
Oh come on let's play.....
I'll start....
One potato.....
Posh and Becks to sue the plastic surgeons - big time.
...and we do the hokey-cokey...
Both: I'm just so self-important I could almost lick myself to death.
"First Minister, you are no Sean Connery"
H: So tell me again. You are the First Minister of Scotland, what exactly does that mean, I thought that Tony ran your country with a little help from our very own Mssr Trump.
A: Hmmph
H: Scotland eh, isn't that the quaint little country just north of England?
I know someone who would just lurve to meet you and who, I believe, is of Scottish descent....
A: You see when I met Monika, I told her that the best way was like this......
Weightwatchers open their Washington offices with two 'before' examples.
Photographers attach their wide angle lenses.
A: Well I had nothing to do today, someone suggested that I go to the Houses of Parliament but I thought what the hell, any excuse is a good excuse.
Not too wide Mr Salmond, I can see that dental care isn't quite as good in Scotland
Alex: God, this beats working for a living.
H; At least you didn't come in a skirt like the last guy!
I have not had sexual relations with this woman...yet.
H: Dont you just look like Shrek!
I think the suit swap idea was great
H:Why have you got your hand in a fist.
A: It is the hand i use for my puppet the Beach Buoy and I am suffering from cramp.
H: Is that poofs cramp.
You say potayto and I potarto
I say tom-ayto and you say tomarto
Potayto, potarto,
Tomayto, tomarto,
Let's call the whole thing off....
Dee do run run run de do run run ...somebody told me that his name was Bill..
And so on...
So Big Man, you've fixed it for Bill to move to that Trump place near Aberdeen?
There's a sign saying mind your head under that desk!
A: Get it right up there !!
H: What did you say A.?!
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