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The truths they don't want you to read....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Caption contest


Mr M says, "When I feel my expenses running low I like nothing better than to recharge my lifestyle to you, the taxpayer."


Anonymous said...

Toblerone, out on its own
Made with triangular almonds from triangular trees
And triangular honey from triangular bees
So, oh Mr Taxpayer please
Pay for my Toblerone

Anonymous said...

There`s vodka and then there`s a Ripoff

Anonymous said...

At least I kept my jacket on for the room service.

Anonymous said...

New Labour/Lib Dem/SNP MP's, with their home improvements and their little property empires, use the expenses system to get away from the working classes as fast as they possibly can.

Tory MP's with their moats and country homes and porticoes (whatever the hell they are) have already got away from the working classes as fast as they possibly could and now use their expenses to shore up the defences.

I'm surprised nobody has claimed for landmines and barbed-wire fences.

Anonymous said...

All together now!

Hey Mr Toblerone Man
Bring white wine to me
And a bunk for me to sleep
And some vodka to help take my pain away
Hey Mr Toblerone Man
Won't you fix my old plumbing
And a fat cheque for the wife
And my mortgage and conveying fees

Anonymous said...

Time for a poll on a General Election.

Anonymous said...

See what Mick Jagger did with Mars bars well ABM does with Toblerone

Teine said...

"Is that a Toberlone in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?"

Anonymous said...

Hey little girl, would you like some Toblerone?

Oh alright then I'll get you a vodka and red bull too.....

Anonymous said...

The toblerone matches his Swiss bonk account!

Anonymous said...

Go on darling, have another, it's on the taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Hello miss, fancy something hard, long and tasty?

Anonymous said...

The new Smrinoff ad -

The scene - the house of commons full of scummy dirty corrupt politicans, then one by one (starting with the politicians with the highest expenses claims first) involuntarily getting hurled out through the windows into the Thames along with kitkats, toblerones, pornos, hurlting out leaving a desolate but pristine house. The camera pans in and the caption

- Extraordinary Purification! -

Anonymous said...

8 odd looking lumps joined at the hip and a bottle of Vodka?

A meeting room at Comhairle nan Eilean Siar?

Fanny McCraddoch said...

Cut the Toblerone into pieces and leave to marinate in the vodka overnight.
The next morning tip the toblerone and vodka into a pan and gently warm over a low heat until the toblerone has melted. Then stir and add a couple of tablespoons of cream taking care not to let the mixture boil. Allow to cool and then pour it into cocktail glasses and garnish with a sprig of mint. Very nice with amaretti biscuits or a Danish pastry.

Anonymous said...

She is number one on the gravy train.

Anonymous said...

The claim for a bar of toblerone at 2 quid pales into insignificance compared to the 18.8grand that yourman Brown claimed for food. How did he have time to work. Maybe if he had spent less time eating at our expense the country would not be in the shit state Labour has reduced it to

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness that there is someone with common sense such as 6.24am reading this blog.
So what if he claimed for a toblerone I don't suppose any of you guys out there have ever inadvertantly claimed for something which obviously is not elegible. Then again how many of you lot claim every week for doing bugger all apart from picking up your government handout every week.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Bonking Brendans mates are taking the bait. Be it a penny or a £100 you steal, in the eyes of the law it is the same.

He only claimed over £60000 of our money for one of his five houses. With all these houses he should have been called Angus "Barratt" Macneil.

Oh and by the way 6.24 did Salmond not claim over £800 for food while the parliament was closed.

Crooks every one of them.

Anonymous said...

8:24 You miss the point. As AM chose to appoint himself as arbitter of the public morals when he made the complaints against the Labour party, he should have ensured that he himself was squeaky clean. People in glass houses etc. Has he claimed for any pet(ting) cleaning?

Anonymous said...

He only claimed over £60000 of our moneyAs that was tax-free expenses, us mere mortals would have to earn over £100,000 extra on the top line to have that sort of income.

Anonymous said...

He's managed to buy himself a flat in London, with interest paid by the taxpayer whilst owning 4 other properties.

Very nice too.

So how many people in this country are struggling to pay their own mortgages due to redundancy etc

This is not a party political issue. They are mostly all at fault including Angus B MacNeil and they should all be replaced by people who are passionate about the job rather than greedy.

I know our MP has had his moments of passion but it wasn't about the job.

The sad thing is, that even if he isn't re-elected, he will be set up for life with his MPs pension.

Not bad for 4/5 years of doing naf all apart from supporting the Islands in Orkney.

MacTeuchter said...

Downlaod to your ipod....

MP3 in a bed scandal

Anonymous said...

Oliver Cromwell 1653, to MPs from the steps of the Houses of Parliament.

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone!

So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!"