Council tenders
The blog formerly known as "Angus Nicolson - an incredulous eye on the isles" this was the blog of an ordinary, boring, former Councillor in the Western Isles of Scotland.
Angus is taking a sabbatical to be with his young family
Debate strengthens democracy, except inside the SNP, as he has discovered.
If you want balance then get some scales. This is opinion - our opinion.
Any proven errors of fact made will be corrected in the original article, or by publishing a correction at the same degree of prominence, or both. As far as practical, others who have quoted the article will be requested to make a note in their article - this would include, for example pinging back with the correction those who had linked to the original piece.
If articles are ever removed, a statement of why that has been done will be left in situ.
The rest is entirely at my discretion.
Angus, if you are going to investigate all the Council tendering issues, you will have little time left to feed the results onto this blog!
Tendering for local contracts shouldn't be done locally. No matter who it is, there's always the suspicion of dirty doing or plain old incompetence.
I've been on both sides of the public sector tendering process (mostly on the mainland, I'll admit). Most councils haven't the faintest idea how to write a tender, let alone evaluate one. Few small businesses have any understanding of or interest in the stuff that tenders are judged on.
Result? Most public sector contracts go to large firms who now employ ex-public sector employees to help them write tenders. Small firms miss out every time. Can someone explain to me exactly how that constitutes 'value for money'??
I wish you every bit of luck with this campaign, Angus, but no doubt the drooling half-wits at the Comhairle who eventually take the blame for this will be three steps removed from the management tier who actually should bear responsibility.
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