Fuel Prices
Just what has he done to try to persuade the Scottish Government to do something about fuel prices, given that they have the power, ability and structures to allow this to happen?
My understanding is that he has spoken to John Swinney, and been told that the Scottish Government can't/won't find the money to subsidise fuel in the Western Isles.
As the press release could have read....
The Scottish Government’s one size fits all policy has, once again, failed us horribly.
While we hear reports of falling wholesale petrol prices around the UK, our petrol prices continue to rise to extreme levels.
We need immediate action now. Not dithering from the Scottish Government.
We need a rural fuel derogator that works best for the islands and not for the Scottish Government.
We have control of our own fuel taxation and rebate system but we aren't ensuring that our economy works to its greatest potential.
There is but one simple reason fuel prices continue to rise on the Westersn Isles:-
The cartel that run fuel on the Islands know there will be some form of concession so they are deliberately ensure artificial high prices so that any reduction will see prices back where they were at 10-15p more than the main land.
Remember before RET how the haulers prices all went up - never came down with RET.
We are simply being shafted by the local oil barons and their suppliers.
It would be too cynical to suggest that inaction from the Scottish government is in any way linked to a reluctance to do anything for the other island groups who have the nerve to vote the wrong way. RTE for ferries anyone?
Is it my imagination or have fuel prices actually come down recently? The last time I filled up with diesel at Barvas it was under £1.50 the time before it was £1.54
7.37 am
Ah great, good news. Just so we can keep the story straight can you tell us apart from your recent visit when was the last time you saw prices at the pump fall? Lewis businessmen bunch of f'n robbers in 4x4s.
Saddam had the right idea for profiteers, he shot them.
Successive UK goverments take advantage of us through things like smoking kills, save the planet, etc. They hike the tax up, not because they support the cause, they do it because its an easy excuse to raise tax on the pre-text they care. The Scottish goverment can't change Westminster tax policies. Time to move on and become independent.
A couple of weeks ago:
Inverness Morrisons : £133.9
Stornoway Engebrets : £148.9
Needless to say I had about 55 miles worth in the tank when I drove onto the ferry. Filled up as usual in Inverness on return.
Engebrets sign I think showing £146.9 but their sign is a bit iffy and the digit may be an 8 and not a 6.
UK Government or Scottish Government?
At the pump the UK goverment gets just shy of 60p per litre in fuel duty plus another 20% from VAT on the price after the duty has been added!!
The UK government also increased it's supplementary tax on oil firms from 20% to 32% this year, itself generating an additional £2billion, according to Mr Osborne.
OK, I am no expert but I assume that it is not an impossible task for the UK government to arrange to introduce some reduced rural fuel duty. After all they can send forces to the Falklands, Iraq, Afganistan, Libya and so on at a moments notice. Where there's a will there's a way - simples!
Trouble is there is no will.
The point made by Richard T is somewhat irrational, more emotional. At least the Scottish Government recognised the transport problem. The former Labour MSP kept telling us it would be unfair to provide a scheme like RET, while at the same time the Nothern Isles got a far better scheme. Labour don't accept that there is a fuel problem in rural areas. Maybe if those in the Labour Party in Scotland recognised the needs of the Scottish people they wouldn't have taken the beating they did.
7:23 here.
This was not the first time the Barvas pump price had come down, it did a few weeks ago. But then it went back up again even higher, this at the time that they were talking about a price drop by reducing the taxation. Like everyone else who comments on this Blog I to am sceptical about the motives of the Garage Owners when it come to pricing, and assumed that particular increase was due to the fact that Tax would be reduced, the price would fall but we as purchasers would be no better off.
The thing that really worries me about the Barvas setup it the promise to undercut Town pump prices by 1p. They might be getting the fuel at a wholesale cost far lower than Stornoway Garages because he uses a diffrent supplier (I think) but only chooses to sell it a 1p cheaper. Without knowing all the figures it is difficult to know whether we are really getting a good deal at Barvas, or just falling foul of a pricing con?
Go to www.petrolprices.com and prepare to weep. In some/most instances we are paying more than 20p per litre over the odds.
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