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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Google iteration

Periodically, Google iterates it's algorithms and re-sorts all the files according to the most recent responses from the bots. This involves massive jumps up and down for existing websites, depending on a large number of factors, such as frequency of updating, relevance, spam and deviousness. Most of which are kept secret, and only the simple stuff is made public.

How do I know this has happened? Well my business website was No 1 in every search engine, and has been superceded by some new-comers to the block (it happens!), but most importantly our competition's website has fallen off the map. It's a good day!

1 comment:

Angus said...

Sorry, my typing speed sometimes exceeds my thinking speed.

However, I vainly like to think it demonstrates the raw and unedited nature of my postings. No spin and gloss here! ;-)