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The truths they don't want you to read....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Petition No10

In light of the publicity given to the Road Pricing Petition, you may be aware that it is possible to create a public petition to lobby the Prime Minister.

Obviously, some aren't allowed, such as " We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to attend PMQ's in a clown outfit and greasepaint" which is quite clearly frivolous, but was rejected on the grounds that "It contained language which is offensive, intemperate, or provocative"?!?

Whilst "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to send cats to iraq in medieval battle armour mounted on weasels" which has been rejected on the ground of it being humorous, rather than serious. Although the No10 office has obviously not suffered a humour bypass, given the web address allocated to this petition.

However, the vetting process is very strange, allowing such bizarre petitions as "Recognise that vivisection is fraud!" about three or four regarding Airport Passenger Duty and "charge fat people double when using public transport".

Nevertheless, it's a good opportunity to vent your spleen, albeit at the price of possibly getting a banal response from Tony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shirley the act of sending weasels on cats would confuse and disturb the enemy - thus we would be able to catch them off-guard