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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, February 20, 2009

National Park in Harris

I am glad to see a clear decision by the public of Harris over the issue of National Park status.

I have my reservations - which I have expressed often - about the impact of having a designation as a National Park and the potential for restrictions being placed on the democratic process by having a quango calling the shots.

I can understand that the people of Harris must be in despair, as population plummets and ages at a horrendous rate, and that the impact of becoming a National Park must surely be a gamble worth taking for jobs and to secure the population.

The vote result now goes to the Minister, who will ask Scottish National Heritage to consult wider.

Oh God!

This will be where it can all go horribly wrong.

I trust that the people of Harris will be the principle consultees - and be able to vote on the final proposals - rather than be the playthings of the quangolords.

BTW, I note that the Herald claimed:
The community, which spent a decade agonising over whether Europe's largest coastal superquarry...
When, of course, the delay was due to the planing inquiry, sick reporters and prevaricating Government.


Anonymous said...

I believe the next question that must be asked is "Is making Harris a National Park in the national interest?". Government must ask that to itself.

You then have what if Uig, Knoydart, Storas Uist, Galson, Assynt, Moffat, Methil, Easterhouse or whoever vote to be a park. Do the government accept that just on what the locals vote?

My understanding from someone in the know is that the Harris bid is based on economics and not protecting the environment. It is based on protecting people and a population, not natural history. If this is the case there are many, many more questions to ask.

As an aside if Herrachs ever do get a NP where does that leave the Comhairle? They will have a power void within the centre of the island chain. Perhaps Oban would then be a better centre for power than Stornoway for the southern Isles!

For the record if there is to be a NATIONAL park (emphasis on national) I think the Uists would be more deserving, or option two all the Outer Hebrides. Sectioning off Harris IMO would do little on a national scale. Perhaps Harris would better suit the title of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB - put that in your search engine) as happens in England.

Anonymous said...

Why would the Comhairle be split if there was a national park? This is pure scare tactics.

Anonymous said...

Why not use the existing National Scenic Area boundary for the national park? That takes in the Eishken Hills and North Uist.