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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The hole in the finances

I am told by the usual reliable sources, that the forecast hole in the Council budget might be filled by an ingenious method.

Ingenious in the sense of an ingenious plan by the ever ingenious turnip, Baldrick.A leading Councillor in the Western Isles

This cunning plan - which has all the cunning of a fox wearing strobe lights whilst sneaking into the hen house - proposes the use of the entire capital programme to fill the gap in the revenue budget, by re-designating some of the projects.

The fact that the 'cure' causes as many problems as it will solve and does nothing to deal with the underlying issue is neither here-nor-there as there is this blind faith the the problem will disappear soon (or at least before any of the turnips are held responsible).

Back in the real world, those who don't care about the capital/revenue debate just see the spending by the council being designed to protect the jobs of the few and their friends at the expense of the public.

Such is the divide between the public sector and the public in the Western Isles. Tough decisions to be made and no-one to take them....


Anonymous said...

But that's not technically possible is it, surely ?

You're the accountant, though.

Anonymous said...

Baldrick for Convener I say...might be a better option.

Anonymous said...

Having just attended tonights council meeting, Baldrick is definately a better option, now who could we replace the leader and chief exec with? I was thinking laurel and hardy, any other suggestions?

Anonymous said...

So how are they to pay for the new schools ?

Anonymous said...

PS - sorry

That's assuming they build the Westside School. Why on earth should they ? 4-5 million quid for 30 or so children and declining.