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The truths they don't want you to read....

Saturday, October 14, 2006


We had P&R and full Council this week, where the many issues were resolved.

Probably one of the least edifying sights was one of my fellow Chairs pleading for extra funding for his Committee on the basis that the £1m he wanted wouldn't affect anyone else's budgets, and would come from a central pot.

Anyway, he continued, it wasn't an overspend or a deficit, but a shortfall in resources to fund expenditure.

This was met with derision by most of our colleagues (and quite right too), but not before the shrouds were waived and the onion produced to bring tears to eyes. The Committee were told to go away and find a solution, or series of options, and bring back decisions - not vageries - to the next series of meetings.

The felony was further compounded when said Chair later proposed that we promise another £50,000 to ensure a specific project went ahead. This was just a rouse to avoid making any kind of decision on the issue, and was met with barracking and mockery. You would think he would learn, but he doesn't.

1 comment:

Angus said...

Policy and Resources :-)