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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Radioactive waste

David Miliband has apparently told the House of Commons that nuclear waste is to be buried in geographically suitable areas, but only with the support of local communities.

Volunteers are being sought from potential beneficiaries of this largesse.

Let me mull this one over before coming to a decision ......


Anonymous said...

Gosh and there was me thinking that there were a few other Councillors who voted yes on this decision. What a powerful person Councillor Nicolson is to have got this decision agreed all by himself.
Let's beat up the one person who has the balls to stick his head above the parapit.
Oh and by the way, I don't remember seeing that headline anywhere at all even in the Gazette.

Anonymous said...

isn't this tempting fate - you don't want him to win the lottery do you?!