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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MPs accountants - more questions than answers

Kitty Usher's resignation letter had an intriguing couple of sentences....
At all times my actions have been in line with HM Revenue and Customs guidance and based on the advice of a reputable firm of accountants who in turn were recommended to me by the House of Commons fees office. Neither have I abused the allowance system of the House of Commons in any way.
Did the Fees Office really recommend a firm of accountants or even a short-list?

If so: who and why?

Are any ex-MPs involved with the firm, or are the firm involved in any work for the Fees Office?

Would this firm - by any wild stretch of the imagination - be the very firm who have been asked to provide an 'independent' audit of the expenses claims. Claims that they might very well have recommended to their clients; submitted to the Inland Revenue; and implicitly approved.

We need to know just who she is dropping into the $hit - for this is not an accidental disclosure; it is a deliberate attempt to point a finger - and what conflicts of interest might now be arising.

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