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The truths they don't want you to read....

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Congratulations are due

Congratulations are due to my good lady wife for two recent successes about which she has been unduly modest.

Firstly, she has been asked to act an assessor for her Institute - the Charted Institute of Management Accountants - in appraising and vetting those who wish to apply for a Practising Certificate.  That means that she will be evaluating and approving (or rejecting!) a large number of the new applicants from CIMA who wish to run their own accountancy practice.

This is obviously highly onerous and responsible, but it demonstrates both her high standing in the profession and the breadth and depth of her real life experience as a qualified accountant.

Secondly, she has recently been appointed as a director of a significant US company in the leisure industry with which we are involved.  As the company has successfully ridden the recession and is coming out strong and ahead of the competition, it is obviously an exciting time to be involved.  However, the 'welcomes' were quickly followed by a huge budget pack and a long list of difficult decisions!

I'm very proud of her, in case you hadn't realised this, but is all down to her incredible drive and abilities that she has achieved as much as she has in her life.


Anonymous said...

Well done Mrs Angus, but "director of a significant US company"!!! Has the Nicolson household sold out to Mammon?

I am incredulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Mrs N. Its tough being a mum and making ground with your career - good luck with the new challenges and opportunities.