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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sue me; you'll win

Irrespective of whether you agree with the recent case in Lewis about suing the Council over religious education, isn't the issue clear?

If the cost of the legal actionexceeds the possible payout, then they will settle.

Whatever happened to principles?

If I sue the Council for £1,000 with a non-win/no-fee solicitor for any spurious complaint, am I going to get a pay-out regardless?

It looks very much like the Council has realised the weakness of its case, and got out before it was done over by the Court.  However, it reflects very badly on seniotr management - and not just in the Education Dept - that it got this far before it was abandoned at the last minute.

Has the Council got principles that it sticks to, or not?


Anonymous said...

I love that the guy suing the Comhairle doesn't believe in God but believes passionately in Santa.

Anonymous said...

Has the council got principles? Obviously not.

Because of their incompetence (yet again) this "atheist" has got himself a tidy grand for announcing that he was offended.

This athiest who doesn't believe in God or Christ but insists that his child participates fully in the celebration of the birth of that in which he doesn't believe.

That's a recipe for one very confused child, and the cooncil should have had the cojones to stand up to this chancer.

Stand by for a flood of other chancers doing the same in the near future.

Anonymous said...

The world has gone mad... Teaching a 5year old about Martin Luther king -WTF???

Anonymous said...

If I sue the Council for £1,000 with a non-win/no-fee solicitor for any spurious complaint, am I going to get a pay-out regardless?

Surely you alrady know the answer to that one Angus?

Anonymous said...

the council failed to respond to letters from the parent, the parents solicitor and the equality was the failure of some person in the council to do their job,that resulted in the payout.the council will payout any amount of our money to stop being found guilty,in court, of being an incompetent,lazy and dysfunctional organization.
if you think this payout has anything to do with religion,race,principles or santa. then you have been fooled.

Anonymous said...

from what I understand the person concerned is donating the £1000 to the local school which means that it will be used to a better purpose for at least part of the community than it would have been had it stayed in the councils hands!
6.45 Did you actually read the report on this or just jump to your own conclusions from the headline?

Anonymous said...

You are obviously one of the entrenched sad gits "working" in the Council who believe that a dodgy contract and a big backhander is the way to do business.
I suppose you think that Soval's claim was also spurious. The Council are squeaky clean and never do anything dodgy.....
You are the perfect example of why we shouldn't have local Government in the Islands.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for these few kind words.
I almost feel that I must know you personally, for you to deliver such an accurate roasting, following your in depth analysis of my rhetorical question to Angus.
You really should come and join us, HR could utilise your talents to advantage
Have a nice day, regards 5:45pm