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The truths they don't want you to read....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It's good to see that a new company - Altissimo Ltd - is due to start at the Arnish fabrication yard next week, and I live in hope that all the employees will be taken back, and we can see the economy of the islands picking up again.

Perhaps the only outstanding question is: who is behind the new company?

Registered only in January, it shares the same solicitors and Registered Office as Camcal (deceased). No doubt we will be told in due course, but irrespective of that, what contracts does it have?

Update 30/3/07: I was asked not to disclose anything as negotiations were at a tricky phase, hence the comments being edited. The full story is in the Herald today.


Anonymous said...

Like you Angus, I lost money on Camcal, but still wish it well.

Tell us, why our MP has never, ever, visited the site? Extreme allergy to wind towers???

Angus said...

For various reasons, I'm going to heavily edit any comments on this topic.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you show some healthy mistrust of the new operators of the Fabrication Yard, Angus. Sounds like Camcal reincarnated, ready to fleece HIE for a few more millions.

Anonymous said...

This may sound paranoid, but isn't Arnish the designated fabrication/assembly site for the various proposed windfarm developments?

My nasty suspicious mind wonders if commercial interests are assuming that the inevitable Edinburgh inquiry will decide in favor of the development, and are merely preparing the infrastructure?

As I say, it's just my suspicious mind at work, but I can't think of any other industrial need in the Western Isles that would merit the creation of this firm.

And if I'm correct, the entire appeal process's reputation will itself suffer, rightly or wrongly.

But then, I may be wrong; I often am.

Anonymous said...

No surprise, then:

The 'revitalized Camcal' is to manufacture wind turbines.

I wonder what we're not being told, here? Ideas?