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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Why not bring democracy to health boards?

It is "Time to rebuild public trust and confidence in Scotland's health boards and ensure that the people of Scotland are directly involved in running their own health service."

(We trust) "the people of Scotland to be directly involved in running their own health service. It is time to agree in principle that an element of local democracy should now be introduced to the running of our health service."


So ran an article in Am Paipear this month.

A start would be to delete the very weak and wishy-washy aspirations to have an "agreement in principle" and "an element of local democracy" and replace them with promises, firm commitments or even an opinion that this might make things better, and the public might be convinced.

However, the same writer supports the removal of some planning powers from the elected members of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and giving them - not to the community - but to an unelected, faceless, Mandarin in Edinburgh to take decisions away from the public and it's locally elected representatives.

I'm sure that there is no intention to be inconsistent, just that the positions are just badly thought through.

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