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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, June 01, 2007


The good weather and sheer tiredness of us both encouraged us to close the office eary today and go home at 3pm. Well, not exactly home, but first off to the shops to buy supplies for the first barbecue of the year.

That was actually sixth on the agenda, after running an errant or two, getting the post in the post box, having a drink or two in HS1, and collecting the kids from nursery and granny.

A quick scrub and clean of the gas barbecue and it was fired up and ready to cook.

With temperatures supposedly nearing 18C it was postively balmy and (look away now if you are eating) I stripped to my shorts to undertake the traditional male role of hunter-killer and chief food burner.

Being good Lewis boys, and uncertain what to do in the absence of clouds and rain, in the absence of clear instructions the kids attempted to mimic their father and dress for the weather. The fact that they were already dressed for the weather was - of course - irrelevant and they quickly assumed the traditional costume of the young Lewis lad ready to explore a garden and play football - underwear and wellies.

Garden wellies underwear


ianatmuirneag said...

Is the wee guy doing what we think he's doing?

Angus said...

No. He's like every other male and just checking everything is OK for (much) later

Anonymous said...

tsk, tsk, porn on the internet?! - I'll have to publish some of your own!