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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, June 08, 2007

Grid connection

Whilst many people from elsewhere appear to want the Western Isles to be a 'no go' area for renewable energy under any circumstances, Shetland are going full steam ahead.

Their latest piece of smart thinking follows on from my previous posts about the possibility of private cables, and they are exploring the possibility of owning the two inter-connector cables and keeping the profits in the Shetlands.

Brilliant, lateral thinking.

Why is no-one objecting to windfarms in Shetland, yet they seem to be falling over themselves to object here? No promise/threat of a referendum from any quarter. Yet in Shetland the SNP supports windpower. At least in 2005 it did.


Anonymous said...

Whilst many people from elsewhere appear to want the Western Isles to be a 'no go' area for renewable energy under any circumstances, Shetland are going full steam ahead.

Yet again, you conveniently forget that it's we 'people from elsewhere' who are funding your nonsense.

Odd, that: you appear quite happy to demand taxpayer-supplied subsidy money, but refuse to admit that we should have any say in how it's spent.

You're not by chance a politician, are you?

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the by, don't be overly jealous of the Shetlands: all of us opposed to wind are working to ensure that we find genuinely useful renewables, which will leave Shetland's wind factories just as useless as your own.

Gotta wonder just how popular local councils are going to be once their own constituents see that they've screwed up the local environment for no benefit whatever. But of course, those councils will have only themselves to blame as the truth emerges.

And it will, despite the efforts of developers to spread their lies.

Anonymous said...

<<"Why is no-one objecting to windfarms in Shetland, yet they seem to be falling over themselves to object here?">>

It's probably because the Hebrideans are very different from Shetlanders. Not necessarily better, but certainly different.

The main difference between the Hebrides (particularly Lewis) and Shetland is the Clearances, the land raids, and the repercussions thereof, which run through to today.

With respect, Angus, the fact that you had to ask the above question at all displays your ignorance of the basic love of the land (including the moors, not just their croft) of the people whose ancestors have lived and farmed here for centuries. There is something lacking in your analysis of the objectors' reasons for objecting. I think you simply don't understand the crofters.

Nobody wants to create trouble for trouble's sake, but when it comes to selling Lewis land to opportunistic multinationals from under the Lewis people's noses, against their wishes, then expect trouble. Not that it really applies to you any more though, because now you're an ex-councillor commenting (sniping?) from the sidelines.

Anonymous said...

Typical outsiders trying to do down the Islanders who are trying to make a living within their homeland rather than having to move elsewhere to do so.
YOU anti windfarm campaigners are ignorant and selfish. You want your two weeks holiday here every year, with nothing ever changing, contributing nothing to the Islands with the exception of the Co-op and think you have the right to tell us how to live our lives, what to think and what to do.
With regard to the comment about crofters, please tell me how many crofters there are who actually make a living wage from that trade alone? The crofters you are talking about are more than likely retired, living off big fat pensions and don't give a toss about the long term effects of global warming because you won't be here and neither will your families.
You are right Angus, Shetland have got it right and yet again we will be left holding out the begging bowl.

Anonymous said...

"Yet again, you conveniently forget that it's we 'people from elsewhere' who are funding your nonsense."

How the hell did you come up with that one? It's people from elsewhere who are making sure the public cost of just getting approval for these schemes is spiralling out of control. Since when were companies like Amec funded by the taxpayer? Your arguments are ridiculous, rude, aggressive and stupid.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is that the 'typical' Lewis crofter is resistant to change in any form, Windfarms being just one example.

Lewis crofters also seem to have conveniently forgotten that they have been supplied with electricity from the mainland for decades but yet refuse to give anything back.

The amount of trouble that has been caused by the proposed scheme will prevent any large multi-national even considering any project of any kind on Lewis. And yet look at the island: the population is in decline with most people being employed in the Public Sector, has it not dawned on anyone that re-generation of the economy is required.

Another nonsense is the referendum that is to be held: why should local people have a say in whether the plan is approved or not? The Civil Service have managed to keep the country going without the need for public consultation on most matters so why do Lewis crofters feel that their views need to be heard. It is the Civil Service's job to do what is best for the country and just because people can not see this doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Such a referendum would be a waste of taxpayers money as I'm sure the Scottish Executive will make the right 'strategic' decision.

In my personal opinion I think it is a disgrace that a multi-national willing to invest in the island should have to bow down to organisations such as SNH, and I'm sure anyone who has been on the Barvas moor will agree that any development can only make it a more interesting place.

Anonymous said...

Is the first anon on this and other postings, Murdo Morrisson by any chance?

Anonymous said...

eyoop- you spelt bitter wrong!-)