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The truths they don't want you to read....

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Health Board overspend


The Western Isles Health Board is hugely overspent again, and has been called down to the Scottish Executive to explain their performance. I understand that the Finance Director was asked for some numbers by the Minister (or the top Civil Servants) and quoted figures which the Chief Executive knew nothing about.

The organisation appears shambolic, and lacking any serious financial controls. There is some tinkering around the edges to pull some minor costs under control, but the bulk of the overspend appears to come from the GPs budget. Which is out of control, again.

Has it ever been under control?

The GPs negotiated a wonderful deal for themselves, largely due to the fact that they had a GP on the other side of the table negotiating against(sic) them. That the self same GP then benefited from this wonderful deal is a conflict of interest that should never have happened, and one that needs to be unravelled. Last I heard they were being paid £1,000 a day for sitting in A&E on a Sunday to cover for NHS24 and because the GPs no longer work weekends - except at the new enhanced enhanced rate.

There has long been a call for an in-depth investigation into the finances of the Health Board, a call avoided by the national politicians, but this latest fiasco may provide the opportunity to undertake the long needed root and branch review to ensure that we are getting the best possible service for our money.

Update 29/6/07: Further report in the Gazette about the further deficit this year. "Failure to make major savings in the coming months could threaten the ongoing viablility of the NHS Western Isles Board."


Anonymous said...

Their mouths were stuffed with money, but they still want more.

Anonymous said...

SY(n) lets hope angie y's can co-opt his pal AG onto the board.