Strengthening democracy
More practically, there are a couple of very small changes that can be made to bridge the gap between the public and the politicians in their ivory tower. Or at least the hideous - too hot! too cold! - 1970's pre-cast concrete edifice, known locally as "The White House".
I have been trying to find a photo to show the beauty of the building, but Google can't find anything, probably on the ground of taste. Google Maps gives a bit of a flavour...
Step one: At present the Agendas and supporting papers are copied probably 100 times for Councillors, Directors, Assistant Directors, Officers, Press, Libraries and any of the public who are mad enough to attend. The public and press copies have the confidential items taken out before being circulated.
Scan the press copy and post a pdf on the web, so that the full detail of what is being discussed can be seen by the public. In the first instance, no indexing or quick links, just a straight pdf.
Step two: Most meetings are recorded for accuracy and in case of FoI requests later. Open that feed up over the web, and let the public hear what is actually being said by their representatives, for good or bad. With the pdf agenda open, they can at least follow what is going on, and may get some flavour of what is happening.
Of course, the Powerpoint shows won't be accessible, but that is step x.
When it comes to the private matters, as well as physically excluding the public from the meeting, you can disconnect the web feed, but store the recording on the servers, rather than an old tape system.
You could then podcast the best bits every week. Or perhaps not.
Step three: have a couple of fixed view webcams feeding from the meeting to allow the public to choose a view and get sound and vision of what Councillor X is doing and saying - or even if he is there. Perhaps this could tie in with the planned Digital Gaelic TV channel.
Step four: a premium rate phone poll once a quarter to vote out an inhabitant of The White House.
Steps one and two are relatively simple to implement if the political will is there. Step three is more ambitious, but could be an aim.
SY(N) The eviction threat would make them play act more and regurgitate the self praise, but then they would all resemble a certain Cllr famous for that already!
He's the one i'd vote out to.
Bet you are glad you are out of the madhouse, Angus.
talking of democracy - I noticed the most important piece of international news on Saturday was that it rained during the summer in England!
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