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The truths they don't want you to read....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Increase your income by 50%

No, not some spam offer, but what we should be demanding from our politicians at the coming elections.

Western Isles per capita Gross Value Added (crudely, income) is £10,078 or 66% of the UK average.

If we had a thriving community and we were generating some real wealth in this community then we could bring ourselves up to the UK average of £15,270 or increasing our income by 50%.*

Now, it doesn't seem an unreasonable demand that we be much less poor than the rest of the UK, and I'll be asking our potential MSPs just how they intend to increase the income for everyone in the Western Isles, rather than just attacking potential developments.

(The same goes for Councillors, and I'll release my manifesto nearer the time)

We should aim for an end to the dependency - 'I need a grant' - mindset.

* I know that as the WI GVA increases, the UK GVA average will also increase, so I am really saying we need to significantly reduce the differential.

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