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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, May 07, 2007

Fellow guests

The resort in Crete is fantastic, and as in previous Mediterranean holidays, the resort is filled with nouvelle riche Russians, their families and bodyguards.

The second language of choice in Crete seems to be Russian, with English coming a poor - albeit, ubiquitous - third. This may have something to do with the free-spending habits of the Russians (or Ukranians), and the poor eating and drinking habits of the British.

The Russians fall into two categories:
(1) vastly rich and fat Russians are almost without exception accompanied by their trophy wifes, who have obviously undergone surgical enhancement and are between ten and forty years younger than the husbands. They are obviously deeply in love, until the next painfully thin ex-Mrs Boris comes along to replace the current stick-insect and look after the various progeny.

(2) the self-made, happy families, obviously having a good time.

Type 1 are the most prevalent, usually floating around in large groups with the extended family somewhere in tow. This usually involves mother or sister who meet most of the stereotypes, and young daughters who are already showing signs of eating disorders. We have witnessed two young girls eating plates of watercress (and little else) whilst obviously trying to maintain the unhealthy look of mother.

I didn't realise that the sight of cut-off shorts and 4 inch pink stilettos at breakfast time could be so off-putting. Leopardskin as evening dress is obviously very big in Moscow. Taste - bling, mullets and t-shirts with pointless slogans - has obviously yet to reach the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

> I didn't realise that the sight of cut-off shorts and 4 inch pink stilettos at breakfast time could be so off-putting.

Well, you should have packed some more suitable attire. Your admission will just add to the rumours circulating in the various gossip shops of Stornoway :-)