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The truths they don't want you to read....

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


One of my clients stopped me in the street to invite me to join him in a demonstration.

When I was a Councillor he used to have excellent fun berating me for every ill that befell him or the islands, and that I was personally responsible for setting the Council Tax at an exorbitant level; that I was responsible for every decision of the Council; that I had to do something about the price of fuel at Campbell's Filling Station (a matter more forcefully expressed to the Vice-Convener); and that I was personally responsible for the poor crab prices.

Since I retired/took a sabbatical he has focused on getting me to join him at the barricades, protesting about ... well, anything and everything.

Today, my invite was to join him outside Alasdair Darling's holiday home in Uig to protest about the price of fuel. The Chancellor is due here any day now, for his regular summer holiday, and my friend thought that this was a perfect opportunity to explain in words of four-letters, the impact that fuel prices were having.

Having neither declined nor accepted, I will be kept informed in the unlikely event of the matter proceeding.

I understand that last year when Mr D was crossing the Minch he was cornered on the ferry by two local gentlemen who wished to discuss the economic policies that he was following. So confident and robust was the Chancellor in the defence of the Government that within minutes he was pleading with the crew to find him somewhere to hide.

This was how the Chancellor - without his family - spent most of the crossing in the Captain's cabin.

Does anyone know his dates of travel for this year? Just so we can greet him warmly at the pier, you understand.


Anonymous said...

The only way AD will get peace is if he travels incognito. Which means dyeing his hair, eyebrows, or both.

I understand that he turned down the offer of representing the UK at the Olympics, for fear that his follicular colouring would result in getting mistaken for a panda and forced into a Chinese zoo breeding programme.

Anonymous said...

It seemes Norman L and Angus Campbell have the petrol prices well and truly sewn up. It's well past time the two of them were seriously challenged.

ps. And what about Curly's mob on Shell street? They appear to be the biggest offenders of the lot!!

Anonymous said...

(excuse the schoolteacherish tone but)I fail to see how denying anyone a bit of a break is going to help matters... surely he can have a couple of weeks free of pestering? Any chance that after a refreshing break he might get his act together a little better.... well, maybe not, but everyone's entitled to a good night's sleep and some quality time with the family (isn't that so, Angus?) I once saw AD spend the whole of a ferry crossing sitting on deck in the rain with his arms crossed, for a bit of peace. I felt for him. Really.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of demonstrations, I see our local gov. mob are going on strike again. When I was young they built the White House so that all the Local Gov. employees could be under one roof. Now they are spread all over town again. As far as I can remember the population in the WI has gone down since these days so how is the number of Local Gov. Strikers going up ?

Anonymous said...

Poor Darling, this is the man who voted for and funded the genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He is now in charge of an economy that he knows is in a death spiral.

I hope he will reflect on all his actions in the peace and quite of Uig, to not only consider his political career, but consider his conscience as well.
I also ask to (excuse the sundayschoolteacherish tone but)the situation for him (and the rest of us)is so serious,
that I fear for his very soul.

Anonymous said...

where did all the comments go?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why have you removed certain comments?

Anonymous said...

Is he staying anywhere near Brian Wilson? Perhaps they could while away an evening ruminating on the twin disasters of the economy and the Lewis wind farm fiasco over a large glass of malt whisky.