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The truths they don't want you to read....

Sunday, August 17, 2008

National electricity tender

The plan to launch a national tender process to supply power to all the public sector bodies is an excellent example of lateral thinking by the Scottish Government.

The public sector has the financial muscle to demand highly competitive prices and force its way into the wholesale market.

Assuming this doesn't take control away from the other public bodies, then this could be the start of a huge efficiency drive by Government that will streamline purchasing and save us all large sums of money.

Well done chaps!


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile consumers and UK industry get screwed by soaring fuel prices !

Anonymous said...

Well, as things stand we're all getting screwed twice unless the government uses its aggregated consumption to get a better deal - screwed as a private customer, screwed as our tax £££s get spent on energy for public bodies. Those £££s are meant to provide services, not profits for the energy companies.