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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, November 01, 2010

Business development

Every week seems to offer more proof of the opportunities that can arise for the Western Isles in certain sectors if you use a bit of innovative thinking and have the skills to deliver a service.

Google Adwords has been driving at least £1,000 of new business to us each and every month for at least the past year from all across the UK, at a cost of under £50, which is great as it helps us to secure and increase employment in our office and spreads the risk of any local recession on our staff and business.

As a consequence of the growth in some of our specialist sectors we opened an office in Aberdeen a few months back.  "An office" sounds very grand, as it is really more of an outreach point for clients in that area, but it has already proved its worth in securing business.  After all, perception is vitally important.

We can offshore the work from the high-cost Aberdeen area, whilst offering personal contact, and last week alone we secured enough work to keep one member off staff busy 50% of their time for the next 2 years, minimum.  Having doubled our staff in the past year, we hope to do the same agaain next year, and all our staff are doing a fabulous job in absorbing and dealing with the growth.

Now to knock on some more doors, physically and virtually.....


John Aldersey-Williams said...

Great to hear - what Adwords do you use?

Angus said...

Emailed you privately, as this is a bit sensitive and I don't want someone running up my costs for a laugh.

We are also close to the top for the same keywords in the organic listings. Don't know quite how I did it, but it is working.