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The truths they don't want you to read....

Friday, November 12, 2010

How democracy works....

A recent email from the Chief Executive explains how the policy of transparent and open discussion about the budget priorities will be followed (my emphasis)....
Dear Councillor,
Everyone in the Comhairle, Member and employee alike, is fully aware, even in advance of the announcement of the financial settlement for Scotland, and the Comhairle's own allocation of the Local Government settlement, that next year's budget process will be singularly challenging for the Comhairle, and as the recent Budget and HR Strategy Seminars have shown, the Comhairle has resolved to commence preparations for next year's budget at the earliest opportunity.   The Comhairle's customary approach to budget setting has been, as you are aware, to debate the whole budget strategy through a series of seminars, culminating in recommendations to special meetings of Policy and Resources Committee and the full Comhairle in February of each year, with discussions as to service priorities, and individual budget lines, taking place at these seminars.  It is appreciated that Party Groups particularly, in addition to individual Members, may wish to discuss and present alternative budgets to the Comhairle, the details of which may take some time to prepare, particularly in current  financial circumstances.

If it is your intention to prepare and submit an alternative budget, even in outline, pleasse (sic) let either Robert Emmott or me know as soon as possible, in order that Robert and his team can arrange the necessary support and advice.  It is quite possible that it will not be possible or practicable to discuss significant strategic alterations to the budget late in the process, for example, in the hours and days before the budget setting meetings, and any such discussions should begin well in advance of the end of this calendar year.

Kind regards.

Malcolm Burr
Chief Executive
So, if you went to one of the public events where you expressed your view on a particular aspect of how money should be spent or saved, you are not going to have an opportunity to hear any discussion (or even know if there was any discussion!) as the members will debate this in a seminar, which is held in private, and for which no minutes or records will be kept.

The deals done behind closed doors will then be placed into public for ratification - not discussion of anything important - and the public will remain in the dark as to why A was cancelled whilst B went ahead.

Seminars should be to improve understanding of the issues, and providing a general direction to the process, with the real debate held in public.  The only reason for not doing so can be fear of having the decisions scrutinised.

Most bizarrely, with the seminars to decide upon strategy timetabled for next year, anyone with a different view on the final budget is asked to flag up their changes before the end of the year.

We know it is going to be a tough process, just please let the public see how tough it is, rather than giving the perception of a cabal stifling real open discussion.


Anonymous said...

......rather than giving the perception of a cabal stifling real open discussion.....

The 'perception' ???

What did anyone think is going on here ? It is a cabal stifling real open discussion.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry - Mr Burr and team were busy sipping champagne for his first five years in office.

Did the public purse pay for this? If not - go right ahead. If we did... well....

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't reaist.

How many WI councillors does it take to change a light bulb ?

Anonymous said...

and for which no minutes or records will be kept.

Is this actually legal?

Anonymous said...

Yup, it's legal for Councillors to meet privately to be informed about matters which affect them - so long as no decisions are made in advance of the actual meeting.

And it's entirely fine for no minutes to be taken - because they're not supposed to be making any decisions.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...