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The truths they don't want you to read....

Monday, August 13, 2007


I received an anonymous link to a website satirising a politician, asking for my opinion. Without a email address to respond to, it is kind of difficult.

Although it is quite humorous, and obviously still under construction, can I suggest that you change the second item, as it is probably libellous.

Please let me know when I can publicise the site. :-)


Anonymous said...

I was wondering where the usual nutters were...

Anonymous said...

I honestly thought eyoop you were the nutter. The majority on this blog site seem normal enough apart from yourself.

Anonymous said...

Well you're alive and well Eyoop.
The rest of us are just waiting for the 100 days to elapse so that we can all wallow in the achievements of Mssrs Allen and MacNeil.
Does that answer your question?

Anonymous said...

It answers my question admirably. I'm just glad of the relative calm at the moment...