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The truths they don't want you to read....

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Labour nominations close

I understand that there are no more than two candidates to stand for the Labour party at the Westminster elections, as nominations closed today.

Most of the names that were speculated about appear to have dropped out, and yet some of the Labour members are already hoping that no-one is selected and that nominations re-open.

A depressing situation for them, given that some of the candidates who are being talked-about have repeatedly declined, despite having their arms severely twisted.

Candidate one is Cllr Donald John MacSween, although there are still some mixed messages about him not getting back into the Labour Party. Care to confirm or deny, Mr MacSween?

Assuming my information is right, I have business dealings with candidate two, and on my desk right in front of me is his full address in London N22. Which is without doubt his biggest single handicap. An impressive CV, a very, very nice gentleman, but (you can fill in the blanks). Indeed, he has just come off the phone this very minute, but discreetly no discussion of party politics took place.

Interesting times.


Anonymous said...

interesting indeed given the amount of time the labour party spent badmouthing the SNP journyman candidate Allen they could come up with a Champagne Socialist from NW London!

Angus said...

I would certainly not describe the gentleman as a "Champagne Socialist".

He is very down to earth, and has spent a lot of time in the islands over a long, long period, but your comment clearly demonstrates the mountain he will have to climb.