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The truths they don't want you to read....

Saturday, October 20, 2007


It's not labelling on bottles of plonk that the Government requires to take action on, but warnings when the BBC or ITV are about to broadcast the same 'Sun shines out of Jonny Wilkinson's arse' story from the same location with the same journalist making the same vacuous statements. It appears to be on constant replay every 15 minutes, interrupted only by news headlines from Paris about the Rugby.

It's enough to drive you to drink.

Or at least for us to go out for dinner to avoid the gratuitous rubbish being spouted by the media.

As I don't have Sky, I can't go for the option of taking the pictures from another station and not have to listen to the sycophants.

May the best team win, and they better or we'll never hear the end of it.


Anonymous said...

The Scottish media is now no better than the English at this, independant commetary has long since disapeared.
Having said that it's probably commentary like this that props up the SNP whose only chance of winning a majority in Scotland is if the poll is held the day after England win the World Cup.
Isn't that a sad indictment on our country, it doesn't matter how rubish we are as long as England don't win anything and we can beat them at some sport every 10 years.
About time we measured our potential against ourselves and not England

Anonymous said...

15-6... see there is a God, and He will travel on a Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Yea its the next day , checked all the news websites they still lost :-)

Anonymous said...

I like the English rugby team (far better than the football) and am quite sorry that they lost, by all accounts they are well mannered and polite (except when doing their jobs!) and i know many other Scottish people who were also on their side!

Anonymous said...

Its not the team, I agree they are a good bunch. Its the B@@##Y media, BBC etc, they would bash on about it for days... weeks...

Anonymous said...

fair point

talking about the media - why are the children in this country being allowed - nay encouraged, to send in their mobiles to The Blue Peter appeal without removing the sim card?